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Reply to Ray Tomes and Ken Moore


6/21/1999 7:41:59 AM

Ray Tomes wrote

> C D Eb E F G A Bb B
>24 27 28 30 32 36 40 42 45

A consistent just notation would be
0: 1/1 C
1: 9/8 D
2: 7/6 EbL
3: 5/4 E\
4: 4/3 F
5: 3/2 G
6: 5/3 A\
7: 7/4 BbL
8: 15/8 B\

Read "L" as an upside down "7", meaning septimal comma flat (63/64)
and "\" is syntonic comma flat (80/81).
The next version of Scala will have a prime based just notation,
until the 31-limit.

Manuel Op de Coul