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🔗Can Akkoc <>

5/24/2002 2:55:04 PM

Hello All,

I am back. Is someone looking for me, like lev36 ?

Can Akkoc


From: "lev36" <lev@h...>
Date: Wed Feb 27, 2002 7:21 pm
Subject: Re: Turkish Tunings

--- In tuning@y..., John Chalmers <JHCHALMERS@U...>
> I think one should get in touch with Can Akkoc about
> Turkish music as he is finding strong deviations
from> theoretical
> scales and modal structures in actual
> performances on a flexibly tuned instrument (Ney).
> --John

Thanks, I'll try - do you have an email address for


Can Akkoc
1058 Dickenson Avenue
Mobile, AL 36609

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