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new Lou Harrison recording

🔗David Beardsley <>

3/31/2002 4:46:50 AM


HARRISON, LOU: Solo Keyboards CD (NA 117). Complete title: Complete
Harpsichord Works, Music for Tack Piano & Fortepiano, In Historic and
Experimental Tunings. Performed by Linda Burman-Hall, keyboards.
"Although for several centuries keyboards were made that presented
more than twelve tones, the hypnosis of twelve has continued, and
continues to spread wherever 'Western' culture settles in. Even here
there are apostates. The important composer Harry Partch built an
entire orchestra for his works written in a forty-three tone scale.
Younger people still do this and, in addition, tend to show tunings
by means of 'lattices'. In this fine recording of my keyboard works,
Linda and I have become a part of such apostasy from the dull grey of
industrial twelve tone equal temperament and worked together to take
back to ourselves as artists the natural right to tune pieces in ways
that are fitting, appropriate, or enhance musical beauty." -- Lou

* David Beardsley