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Bach at the source and a generalized microtonal keyboard


3/29/2002 5:47:45 AM

Ives and Bach scholar Carol Baron and I fly to Leipzig tonight for Bach
research. While staying in Leipzig, we will visit Weimar, Arnstadt, and
Muhlhausen on day trips. Afterwards, I will be in Berlin for 2 days,
Hamburg, and then ending up in Nederland (as they call it).

There I will visit with Siem Terpstra and bring back to New York is 2 models
for a generalized microtonal with the intention of building them (or more
accurately, having them built). It is a modified Bosanquet design that
divides cyclic tunings from overtone generated tunings into 2 distinct
physical models. I am pleased to announce there is a grant in place to built
a set or two.

I will try to keep in contact by email while taking in the sights and sounds.
I'm bringing my Werckmeister-tuned alto recorder so that I can play Bach
Brandenburg #4 for people to demonstrate easily what I am after, and to
discover if there is a vestige of it remaining in the cities where Bach
worked the longest.

Best, Johnny Reinhard

p.s. Before the opening April 30th MicroFest 2002 in New York, Anastasia
Solberg and I will present the complete Li Po in Liberty, NY on April 20th.
It opens a 4-day poetry festival in Liberty's main book store.