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🔗zellermail420 <>

3/11/2002 11:12:30 PM


My name is Brett, and I have just recently joined "The List", and
would just like to introduce myself.

I must now, that I have absolutly no association with Joe Monzo ---

Ha, ha... just kidding... I am actualy studying under him and he's
sitting here right now...

So, anyway... if any of you could possibly save me... please let me
know... Because... he won't unlock the chains... and all I want to
do, is the sun light once again!

Dementedly Yours,
Brett Zeller

PS This is not a joke... I am really his student... : )

🔗zellermail420 <>

3/11/2002 11:14:46 PM

--- In tuning@y..., "zellermail420" <zellermail420@y...> wrote:
> Hey,
> My name is Brett, and I have just recently joined "The List", and
> would just like to introduce myself.
> I must now say, that I have absolutly no association with Joe
Monzo ---
> Ha, ha... just kidding... I am actualy studying under him and he's
> sitting here right now...
> So, anyway... if any of you could possibly save me... please let
> know... Because... he won't unlock the chains... and all I want
> do, is the sun light once again!
> Dementedly Yours,
> Brett Zeller
> PS This is not a joke... I am really his student... : )