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playback of microtonal accidentals in Sibelius

🔗Carl Lumma <>

3/11/2002 12:27:50 PM

jp wrote...
>>I'm not sure, but 2 shoulddn't be any easier than 5, or 10, if they
>>did things right.
>***Oh! I should mention Carl, I mean as "fully integrated" into the
>program. In other words, they have a "keypad" that looks just like
>the numeric keypad on a computer keyboard on the screen. It has the
>*quartertones* right on it. I suppose they could add yet *another*
>keypad template that would have *lots* of different microtones, but I
>think that would be asking a lot more for them to do that then to add
>just a couple "fully implemented" ones.

In a scheme like David B. had in mind, I would imagine the user would
be able to put whatever accidentals he wanted on the keypad.

jp wrote...
>> Do you mean you're also asking for playback? They don't support
>> playback for quartertones right now, AFAIK. If they do, I'll be
>> very happy today indeed!
>> -Carl
>****Yes, playback for quartertones *is* supported, although I haven't
>gotten it to work as yet. I hope it works on my soundcard.
>And, I just got a message today from them suggesting that you can
>adjust playback with the quartertone plug-in that will playback *any*
>correct microtone, and, of course, you can add whatever graphic you
>want as a microtonal symbol, even creating them in a Font program, if
>Well, I received the following quick response on the Sibelius "chat"
>You can easily add as many symbols as you like and then use a plug-in
>to get the correct playback -- this is, after all, how Sibelius
>currently plays back quartertones (see File; Plug-ins; Playback >
>***I thought I tried this, but I obviously need to play with it some
>more. Apparently they claim it's possible...

Alison wrote...
>I mentioned in a previous post that there is a 1/4 tone plug in which
>allows playback. It is totally unreliable and slides up and off the
>tones. But that might be a function of the software or hardware you
>use for playback.

I couldn't get the quartertone plugin to do anything on my laptop.
I need to look at it. . . .

I had this exchange with the Sibelius team in October...

>() Map MIDI channel / note numbers arbitrarily over the lines and
>spaces of individual staves.
>() Adjust the increment in MIDI note numbers that each accidental
>() I see I'm allowed beween 1 and 5 lines per staff. Very good,
>but up to 6 or 7 lines wouldn't hurt.

Bart Cummings...
>Thanks for writing. The answers to your midi questions are both no.
>We are working on this, but have no idea when this may become a
>feature for Sibelius. The answer to your third questions is yes, you
>can do this by going to Create-Staff Type Change-New and then typing
>in the number of staff lines you require.
