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🔗jpehrson2 <>

2/28/2002 10:03:46 AM

FROM MakeMicroMusic, but better belongs over here...

--- In MakeMicroMusic@y..., "Jonathan M. Szanto" <JSZANTO@A...> wrote:


> Joe,
> Partch has been dead for over 25 year; Johnston is still alive. Of
the two, whose music, whose creative output exerts the larger effect
on our culture?
> In another 25, 50 years, ask the same question again.

***Well, Partch is a "great" or "nearly-great" 20th Century composer
and Johnston... ummm: well, he's written some nice string quartets!


I never fully appreciated the extent of Partch's artistry until I
listened carefully to _Delusion of the Fury_. That's a true
masterwork... and yet so innovative, even "wacky" at times.

Frankly, I think the "hobo" side of Partch has been a bit over-
emphasized. I mean, I know it's "fun" but that's mostly what I heard
and was introduced to when I first learned about Partch...

But _Delusion of the Fury_ really seems like the full utilization of
his potentialities...

Of course, I'm no *expert* on any of this.... :)
