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re: Porcupine

🔗Carl Lumma <>

2/26/2002 2:54:10 PM

Gene wrote...

>Porcupine really has only one logical way of extending itself to 7 or 11 >limit, so I think those should as porcupine also.

Agree. In fact, I drafted an (unsent) message to tuning-math asking
about this for the some of the 5-limit temperaments on monz's chart.

>In them 15, 22, 37 and 59 (which you might add to your porcupine list)
>work in the same way. I'll spare you the wedgies, but the Minkowski-Tenney
>reduced bases are [64/63, 250/243] for the 7-limit and [55/54, 64/63,
>100/99] for the 11-limit. Porky comes in with a fairly low badness score
>(under 400) for the 5, 7 and 11-limits, but the lowest was 11-limit,

Those are some killer commas. 'tis shaping up to be a great-o temper-mo!
