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Music out of pictures

🔗Robert Walker <>

2/17/2002 9:59:37 AM

Hi there,

Yes, I'd be interested to hear more about how you are doing it too.

One kind of possibly related link (or possibly not).

I found this web site about a program that makes sounds out of pictures for blind users to
use to get an idea of whtat they look like - "seeing with sound".

Has demo mp3s for 3d scenes, and also 2D images:
It's not exactly music as such, but pitch is one of the things used to represent the

I'm perhaps more involved in the idea of making pictures and mathematical models
out of music - I expect there are connections. See the VRML models I gave a link
to in about the previous post to this group.

I've also done some 3d images in VRML using tree shapes and am planning eventually
to have a go at adding music to them in some way or another - these are
natural looking forms, but one could map them to musical structures
and so make music from them (possibly, if the programming worked out).
I have the idea of music that ripples up / down / around the leaves of the
trees etc, with the model lighting up as the particular leaves or twigs
sound their notes. But, whether it can actually be done in VRML, I don't know.


🔗L.Grohn <>

2/17/2002 2:02:26 PM

Robert Walker wrote:

> Yes, I'd be interested to hear more about how you are doing it too.

I will publish the a description of my methods on Wednesday 20.02.2002
in my Gallery pages. You will find the Musitives Open Source code already there...

> Has demo mp3s for 3d scenes, and also 2D images:
> It's not exactly music as such, but pitch is one of the things used to
> represent the shapes.

Thank you for the interesting link.



My Open Source Musitives code now available ...