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cylindrical meantone - 3d model. How to view it? Lie on floor & look up - its skirt?

🔗Charles Lucy <>

1/27/2002 11:27:36 PM

It is debatable as to whether this should really be a conical spiral.
Yet I made it physically as a cylinder.
One complete revolution represents 1200 cents e.g. C to C.

I first made one of these about ten years ago and hung it from a very high ceiling.
It is very informative to view it from a variety of different angles, which enables the viewer to appreciate the interrelationships between scales, notes and intervals in a variety of ways.
So it beomes a sort of visualisation aid. The view from below looking upwards, is the basis of the diagram on the LucyTuning homepage at:

paulerlich wrote:

>--- In tuning@y..., Charles Lucy <lucy@h...> wrote:
>>I have made some 3 dimensional physical models out of steel and >>
>copper >
>>wire to illustrate this. See:
>This is very good. However, Monz and I would have it wind much >more "loosely", so that each note's nearest neighbors on the next >rungs above and below are related by major and minor thirds and >sixths.

Charles Lucy - (LucyScaleDevelopments)
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