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[ot] An invite to share (after the hellos)

🔗Guiseppi Mendoza <>

1/22/2002 8:15:31 PM

Is it off topic ?
To ask for your own music links ?
Microtonal prefered, or why?
Hope noone views this as an addy ;)

As I'm more into my own algorithmic composition, here's my offerings:
All @
Alt site
For some of these, if you cant access ampcast.

Impositive Increments:
An algorithmic piano composition, mixed in with some Daf and chanting
(subtle distorted guitar too).

Arp Manipulator 1 & 2:
Just two played chords, arpeggiated with the Z1 arp, modified in real
time with me algorithmic arp editor, lots of knob twiddling going on.

Fractured Aureality:
A strange kettle of styles. Some nice pitch swirling FX.

Back to Bass:
More down to earth dub jamming..

The world is not a Dance Floor:
This track is not a dance tune :) A bit jazzy, lots of blips and synth

Future Generations:
Megalithic guitar track!

Cut through the Smoke:
Floydish guitar/synth track.

White Elephant:
Algorithmic generated piano phrase, dodgy vocal ;)


"If I had twice the time, half the work done"

The Synth Manipulator (Z1,Triton, others..)