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affordable microtonal MIDI controllers


1/2/2002 12:25:01 PM

Hello, all, and a happy new year to everyone.

I have been meaning to post this link for some time to the website of a most
interesting software and hardware developer from Bulgaria named Jordan
Petkov. On his site you'll see a number of MIDI hardware and software
projects, some for free and some for sale. I have been in touch with Jordan
concerning microtonal MIDI keyboard controllers, and he is receptive to
collaboration for the development of these. Because many list members would
benefit from a MIDI controller built for specific needs, (for example, for
the "blackjack" scale or whatever it is that suits you) I think it's well
worth it to consider the possibilities of building such controllers
affordably through this kind of collaboration. Jordan's MIDI projects show
that the _circuitry needed by such controllers is not complicated, and can be
affordable. The circuitry he builds can be linked to any kind of key
mechanism. This hardware can be as cheap or as expensive as you want. For
example, for controllers I've built, I use cheap momentary push-buttons for
24 cents apiece over the web from from

which give me simple note/on note/off at fixed velocity. Velocity sensing
becomes more expensive, of course, but I'm content with cheap controllers
that allow custom key layouts. Maybe you would be too.

Anyway, this is an interesting website from an interesting inventor. Enjoy.
