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Re: the missing review


5/26/1999 6:16:36 AM

[Dante Rosati, TD 194.12]
> Behind him were two posters - one of a spider web and another of
> the lattice being used in the music.

Just wanted to clarify: the lattice diagram on the poster
(the simple 13-tone 5-limit JI 'Monzo symmetrical system'
I posted on recently) is completely descriptive only
of the tuning used during the 'Meditation' section of the piece.

The other sections use a very complex mixture of 12-eq and JI,
which I felt could be represented in a stylized way with the
spider web itself.

> Both were contemplated by the performer from a crouching
> position at different times during the piece

The 'different times' were based not only on the references
in the text, but also on the tunings used.

Thanks for the review!


Joseph L. Monzo
|"...I had broken thru the lattice barrier..."|
| - Erv Wilson |

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