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Re: idiophones -

🔗Rick Sanford <rsanf@xxxx.xxxx>

5/21/1999 8:44:47 AM

Dan, etc:

Perhaps a waterfall plot would show subharmonic relations
in a struck idiophone. Does your reference have any of those?
Chances are the onset transients, though, are non-harmonic
(as in a vibraphone) even though containing components
below the 'fundamental'.

/<>Two small points of objection, though. First, concerning subharmonics.
/<>There is some evidence that the spectra of the attack portions of
/<>sounds are simultaneously subharmonic. This is clearly an exceptional and
/<>transient phenomenon, but one that does violate the notion that there are
/<>no subharmonic series in nature.
/<Mildly interesting; more info would be appreciated.

/This is more than mildly interesting to those of us working with
/idiophones! I posted an extended review last summer of a recent book with
/very detailed spectrographic analyses.