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Friends, Romans, Countrymen...

🔗David Beardsley <xouoxno@xxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

5/17/1999 1:13:35 PM

...lend me your ears!


Wednesday, May 19th 7pm. I'll be netcasting in Real Audio
with Jason Gross, host of Perfect Sound Forever's Internet
Broadcasting Division. We'll be playing CDs and talking a
bit about musical tunings, just intonation and microtonality.
I'll even be doing the first broadcast of my newly revised
work Ttoet in 47 limit just intonation.

Remember to tune in and tune up:

also....on Sunday, May 23rd 7pm,
I'll be the 2nd performer at this years
American Festival of Micrtonal Music Microthon @
NYU's Physics Auditorium, 6 Washington Place
10am to 9pm. Come and go as you please:

* * * admission $5 for the day! * * *

I'll be performing Sonic Bloom for about 20 min.
a little bit after 10AM. That's not a typo! 10AM!!!

JOHN CAGE'S Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano.
HARRY PARTCH'S Barstow. There are over 35 composers
represented in the 9 complete hours of microtonal music.
Remember: microtonal is not a style!

There's also AFMM concerts at Columbia U. May 20 & 27.

For details and more information about microtonal events in NYC
in the coming weeks check here:

and AFMM here:

* D a v i d B e a r d s l e y
* J u x t a p o s i t i o n E z i n e
* M E L A v i r t u a l d r e a m house monitor

🔗David Beardsley <xouoxno@xxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

5/17/1999 2:01:20 PM

If you don't know why you're getting this
get back to me, I'll clue you in.


Ok everybody:

I screwed that up:

> also....on Sunday, May 23rd 7pm,


> I'll be the 2nd performer at this years
> American Festival of Micrtonal Music Microthon @
> NYU's Physics Auditorium, 6 Washington Place
> 10am to 9pm. Come and go as you please:

> I'll be performing Sonic Bloom for about 20 min.
> a little bit after 10AM. That's not a typo! 10AM!!!

Sorry 'bout that.

* D a v i d B e a r d s l e y
* J u x t a p o s i t i o n E z i n e
* M E L A v i r t u a l d r e a m house monitor