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Re: 13-tet minor with dim7th

🔗Robert Walker <>

11/28/2001 3:42:46 AM

Hi Jacky,

> I think you and I would have a great time if we could get together
> and improv in this manner on keyboards. Good "free" playing is one of
> the best ways to hear what someone can do, and IMHO, to learn about
> the musical attributes of scales.

Yes, I think we would...

With that piece I'd just been exploring polyrhythms, which certainly influenced
the playing, so not surprised you like it. I must do more of that. It is great
for developing rhythm without going too kind of metronomic which I don't like
when improvising. Even a strict metronomic polyrhythm somehow has a much more alive
feel than a strict metronomic 4/4.

Actually my rhythm is still much better when playing in a very fluid style than
it is when I try to be strict in my timing. Perhaps if I do more polyrhythms
it will be a way for me to develop a better strict rhythm while still having
the relaxed fun element of the fluid rhythms - polyrhythms are very relaxing
somehow when you get them going.

Sorry to have missed Lawrence's concert in London with your tunings.

I'd have liked to have gone, but had a lot on my mind (with FTS mainly),
and somehow didn't get it together to go. Sounds like it must have been
a lot of fun; I hope he does more and that I can go next time.

> You and Margo have shown here what I've always found to be true -
> what looks bad on paper can be a delight to the ear. The "proof" of a
> tunings worth is to be found in the *music*.

> And who said 13 tET is the step child of microtonality??? I LOVE this
> tuning!

Yes, I think it is great too. Really nice tuning actually.

I'm not posting much at the moment because I've got my head down
working on next section of FTS. I've decided it really does need
to have the controllers sorted out, so that it will relay properly,
aftertouch as well, which is a bit tricky as the controller messages
have to sync with the notes as they are moved about from one channel
to another to follow the pitch bends.

However, it is looking okay, I think it will go.

Then after that the wave to midi things, prob. a FFT main window,
and then maybe can think about finishing the help and doing a release, this year?
Maybe beginning of next is more realistic for the release of
FTS 1.09 at last.

Then that is just the beginning. Hope to do Scala chords, and Joe's solar system
orrery (if he is interested in it) - for that I may well be able to do a proper
animated solar system with rotating planets in DirectDraw3D (which is what
games programmers usually use for animations in Windows) - much faster
graphics than anything one can do in normal Windows programming, I've got a
book out teaching DirectDraw that has an example that does exactly that.

For that, had idea that one could make the frequency vary with the "year",
and the amplitude vary with the "day" as a tremulo effect.

LOts of other ideas.

We've been talking about this site over in PostTonality:

I've just found this site for natural sounds:


🔗Robert Walker <>

11/28/2001 3:46:15 AM

Sorry everyone, that post was for MMM
