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What about this scale?


5/14/1999 8:54:21 PM

In looking at my harmonics calculations diagrams I found that there is a
very nice scale starting at 34560 which is very much like the blues ones
mentioned and I am wondering if someone with good equipment would try it
out with the indicated frequency ratios (I can't do this on my computer
or keyboard). Here it is ...

C Eb E F G A Bb C
12 14 15 16 18 20 21 24

If the Eb is too far from the C for melodic aspects then there is also a
lesser note at D which would be 13.5 in the above ratios. The strongest
chord in the scale is C G Bb without the E a genuine 4:6:7. There are
other lesser notes at 14.4 and 16.8 in the above ratios which could be
put on some spare black notes if you can find enough of them in the
right places.

How does this compare to any scales that are actually used out there in
music land?

-- Ray Tomes -- --
Cycles email list --
Alexandria eGroup list --
Boundaries of Science

🔗Kraig Grady <kraiggrady@xxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

5/15/1999 3:25:33 PM

Ray Tomes wrote:

> From: (Ray Tomes)
> In looking at my harmonics calculations diagrams I found that there is a
> very nice scale starting at 34560 which is very much like the blues ones
> mentioned and I am wondering if someone with good equipment would try it
> out with the indicated frequency ratios (I can't do this on my computer
> or keyboard). Here it is ...
> C Eb E F G A Bb C
> 12 14 15 16 18 20 21 24

34560? please explain!

> If the Eb is too far from the C for melodic aspects then there is also a
> lesser note at D which would be 13.5 in the above ratios. The strongest
> chord in the scale is C G Bb without the E a genuine 4:6:7.

The E would be a 5/4 above the C so you would have 4:5:6:7! The same chord
is also on F. It's an excellent set of tones that has inspired many to add
various other tones. As for myself taking 2 harmonic series up to the
ninth (your notes plus a 9/8 above C or 27 in your sequence, I added 2
tones to give me a subharmonic on Bb down to the Ninth which produced
repeating tetrachords. I list them in their distance from F in 2 lines so
you can see the repeat of intervals a 3/2 apart starting on the 7/4.

7/4 21/16
15/8 45/32
1/1 3/2
21/20 63/40
9/8 27/16
5/4 15/8

Others have come up with other solutions!

-- Kraig Grady
North American Embassy of Anaphoria Island


5/16/1999 8:01:39 PM

>Ray Tomes wrote:
>> In looking at my harmonics calculations diagrams I found that there is a
>> very nice scale starting at 34560 which is very much like the blues ones
>> mentioned and I am wondering if someone with good equipment would try it
>> out with the indicated frequency ratios (I can't do this on my computer
>> or keyboard). Here it is ...
>> C Eb E F G A Bb C
>> 12 14 15 16 18 20 21 24

[Kraig Grady TD 184.10]
>34560? please explain!

The 34560 is a harmonic number in my harmonic theory calculations. In
essence I calculate how many ways each number can be factorised because
that is how many ways each frequency can have relationships with 1.
The results of the simple calculation happen to produce musical scales
and explain the stucture of the universe. The numbers may be seen at where 34560 is the
biggest peak (i.e is the strongest harmonic). Part of this graphic is
expanded at and is
labelled with notes so that you can see the major scale from 144 to 288.
The part from 34560 to 69120 has strong harmonics at the ratios above.

-- Ray Tomes -- --
Cycles email list --
Alexandria eGroup list --
Boundaries of Science