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String players using Pythagorean

🔗Fred Reinagel <violab@xxx.xxxx>

5/14/1999 8:31:46 AM wrote:

> the proper tuning of the chord in, say, a Beethoven string quartet
> (altho string players probably wouldn't agree because they
> like Pythagorean intervals).

David Beardsley wrote:

>Pythagorean? Why would you say that?

I think Leopold Auer was teaching his string pupils to use Pythagorean
tuning (wide maj. 3rd and 6ths, and high leading tones) at the St.
Petersburg Conservatory back in the late 19th cen. This probably
coincided with the application of lots of vibrato all the time to mask
beats. My ear tells me that Isaac Stern was an exemplary proponent of
this school of tuning. Fortunately (for my ears anyway), late 20th cen.
tuning sensibility is breaking from this paradigm as demonstrated in
fiddle playing by Itzhak Perlman and Hillary Hahn (listen to her
unaccompanied Bach CD).

Fred Reinagel

🔗Patrick Pagano <ppagano@xxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

5/14/1999 4:53:10 PM

Strings should be played with NO vibrato whatsoever!

> . This probably
> coincided with the application of lots of vibrato all the time to mask
> beats.

🔗David Beardsley <xouoxno@xxxx.xxxx>

5/14/1999 5:36:22 PM

Patrick Pagano wrote:

> From: Patrick Pagano <>
> Strings should be played with NO vibrato whatsoever!
> Pat

I've felt this way for a while, one thing that has always
bugged me about classical practice is that wide vibrato.
Particularly vocalists.

* D a v i d B e a r d s l e y
* J u x t a p o s i t i o n E z i n e
* M E L A v i r t u a l d r e a m house monitor