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NYC concert of microtonal music


11/12/2001 1:32:52 PM


November 12, 2001
tonight¹s performance in honor of our common loss on September 11

8 PM ‹ The Church of St Luke in the Fields
Hudson and Grove Streets, Greenwich Village


MYSTERIOUS TREMENDUM Sacred Tone Improvisation Ensemble
An Intuitional Performance Rite Collective under the direction of Gongmaster
Don Conreaux

players in alphabetical order with their primary instrument:
Daniel G. Soergel - Shakuhachi
Dave Eggar - Cello
David Galt - Shell Horn
David Grego - Quartertone Tuba
David Smith - Vocals
Don Conreaux - Bronze Gong
Elaine Abrams - Singing Bowls
Johnny Reinhard - Contrabassoon
Laraaji Nadananda - Vocals
Linda Wetherill Smith - Flute
Ruth Cunningham - Vocals
Sandra Winter - Vocals

"The Great Invocation"
text by Alice Bailey; music by Dane Rudhyar/arr.Smiths Flute, voices, piano
and bells (2001) Linda Wetherill Smith and David Smith with the Mysterious
Tremendum Ensemble. This setting of Alice Bailey's "Great Invocation," which
was originally scheduled for its premiere performance on September 11, is
adapted to a score for flute with piano and cello accompaniment written in
1918.  This first of "Three Melodies" by Dane Rudhyar, a mentor of Don
Conreaux, are recorded by Linda Wetherill on new CD of the composer's works.
Further information may be obtained at

³Quartet For the Beginning of Time²
an improvisational composition by Johnny Reinhard for Contrabassoon,
Quartertone Tuba, Cello & Gong

Starhenge and the World Peace Bell Gardens Project is a creation of Don
Conreaux and the Mysterious Tremendum, under the sponsorship of
The American Festival of Microtonal Music, a 501(c)3 not for profit
organization, and the Richard Glyn Foundation, a registered UK Charity.
Don Conreaux has brought sacred sounds to people throughout the world. It
was during his travels that he conceived the idea of an international
network of Starhenges, to link profound sites and their peoples with each
other and with cosmic energies. Don laid out the Dorset England Starhenge in
Summer 2000.
Sister Projects are also pending with NYC Department of Parks and Recreation
, and in development at Mary Cairncross Rainforest Park in Northern
Special Thanks for help in making this evening possible:  Handmade Ornaments
by Basia, Printing by Rhinography Digital Art, plus endorsement and support
of the NYS Department of Cultural Affairs, Church of Saint Luke in the
Fields, Washington Square United Methodist Church, Bedford Downing and
Bedford Barrow Commerce  Block Associations, Greenwich Village Chamber of
Commerce; volunteers and individuals.

Mysterious Tremendum
PO Box 318 Village Station, New York, NY 10014      212 715 6852