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Blackjack revisited.

🔗Alison Monteith <>

11/9/2001 1:46:32 AM

Hi folks

I think I can now articulate the problem I was having with notations and
frequencies and where to centre the scale. Quite simply, it's where the
two 2 steps of 72 fall. Because BJ isn't an equal temperament, I have to
choose where to start and that presents a problem for me because in
order to work with a completely new scale I like to think in terms of a
root. So it seemed natural to start with the root on A440, with 2 steps
of 72 above and below.

By choosing to work with the notation system centred on the D-A fifth,
my 'root' is F]. This is strange to me as I'm thinking of everything
rooted on A. But I'm getting used to it. None of this would matter if I
wasn't building and tuning several instruments, some to subsets of BJ.
The last thing you want is to tune up 36 steel bars to a set of
frequencies only to find you're out of sync with your other instruments.

Kind Regards