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Re: off-topic: Genetics & Kosovo

🔗Polychroni Moniodis <upb_moniodis@xxxxxx.xxxxx.xxxx>

5/13/1999 6:24:09 AM

On 12 May 99, at 21:36, wrote:

> From:
> [Kraig Grady, TD176.21]
> > If anything Hitler was attempting to "correct " nature by purging
> > the defective gene pool. Science has once again brought us to the
> > same place. No transcendence of nature is desirable until you know
> > what nature is!
> I'm glad you added that last part, because, aside from any other
> arguments against Hitler (of course there are many, and fully
> justified), the one that pertains here is that he was absolutely
> wrong about the 'defective gene pool' idea.
> We know today that *diversity* of genetic combination, and not
> 'purity', is what creates stronger, healthier, and in every way
> better, offspring.

All diversity is not homogeneous ;-). There are genetic variations
that are fatal or debilitating. One could draw from this that you
oppose research into MD and other birth defects. One must be
able to divine between what is variation and what is pathology,
exactly as is occurring in the human genome project.

> That's just one more reason why Milosevich and his gang of
> Serbian butchers pisses me off so much. His idea of 'ethnic
> cleansing' follows directly from der Fuhrer's principles.

"Ethnic Cleansing" deals with forced expulsion based on ethnic
group, not with genocide. Your equation of the two does a great
injustice to the Jewish people.

The along-awaited report by the U.S. State Department, released
10-May-99 entitled "Erasing History: Ethnic Cleansing in Kosovo"
puts the worst light possible on Serbia, but here the number of
Albanian Kosovars killed by the Yugoslavs is put at 4,000. The
Yugoslavs claim half that number. For a civil war, especially one
of urban guerrilla warfare of this magnitude, this number of
casualties is minimum. In the U.S. civil war, for example, there
were over 600,000 casualties.
