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Two additional Jay Williams pieces

🔗John A. deLaubenfels <>

10/25/2001 6:37:14 AM

I've uploaded two more pieces by Jay Williams to the tuning-challenges
file area. They are:

Jay07.mp3: The Forest Medieval
Jay08a.mp3: Renaissance Fair (112k bits/sec or Yahoo sez it's too
big; the cutoff is 5120k bytes, they say...)

Together with the piece previously uploaded (Jay09.mp3, The Mishandled
Blacksmith), these comprise The Music History Suite.

Again I have tuned the piano part to adaptive 7-limit, but with a twist:
Jay sent them to me way back in fall 1999, when my leisure retuning
program was _way_ more primitive than it is now (I hadn't yet dreamed up
the spring matrix, much less programmed it). So far he hasn't taken me
up on my offer to redo these, and I'm not complaining: I think the music
is wonderful and the tuning vivid. There are, however, a few places
where even my very bent ear kind of puckers up. Intervals are precise
JI and drift control is sometimes... well, you'll hear!

As before, Jay is playing acoustic trombone with piano accompaniment.
