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Reminder: Micro. keyboards demo in Boston

🔗Harold Fortuin <>

10/18/2001 1:35:40 PM

WHAT: Microtonal keyboard music presentation

WHEN: Fri., October 19 at 7 pm, for ca. 60-90 minutes

WHERE: 3rd floor, St. Botolph Building (behind the
building), New England Conservatory, 290 Huntington
Ave., Boston

As I prepare for my performance in the El Paso, TX
Microtonal Hootenanny in early November, I thought
this would be a good time to make my local debut
presentation of unique microtonal-friendly keyboards
and the music I make with them.

I plan to
--perform pieces of historic microtonal composers, as
well as my own music and transcriptions, on my
Clavette microtonal MIDI keyboard controller with 3D
--present the velocity-responsive, 990-key Microzone
microtonal MIDI keyboard controller that I recently
purchased from Starr Labs in San Diego (on the web
--present aesthetics and a little theory behind my
music and the tunings used

If you don't already know, I'm a composer,
keyboardist, and singer of microtonal and other
alternate musics, and have only recently moved here
with my wife Ruifeng Li. Previously we
lived in the Minneapolis area.

I earned my Ph.D. in composition at Michigan State
University, and did teaching and postdoctoral research
at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, and the
Institute of Sonology at the Royal
Conservatory in The Hague, Netherlands. I also have an
orchestra piece on Vienna Modern Masters. And I enjoy
canoeing :) See further details at

I look forward to becoming part of the Boston
creative music scene, and I hope to see you all there!

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