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the doors of perception


10/14/2001 7:20:08 PM

I was noticing, when putting the "finishing touches" on my Blackjack
piece with trombone and electronics, that my perception was changing
with a kind of "relativity."

This piece goes along with a CD that has fairly extensive Blackjack
scale practice... the player plays a 12-tET pitch and then practices
common 72-tET intervals: 1/6 of a tone up and down and 1/12 of a
tone up and down from the 12-tET pitch.

I was noticing that after such close listening that when it was time
to hear a 1/4 tone deviation it actually sounded like a semi-tone!

I was rather amazed with this, but it showed to me how the perception
changes... elasticized, so to speak, and larger micro divisions
become larger and larger when emphasis is on smaller intervals.

Probably lots of people have encountered this "elasticity"... but I
just thought I would share my current experiences...

_________ ________ _________
Joseph Pehrson