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9/30/01 concert at MSU, supplement

🔗John F. Sprague <>

10/1/2001 1:27:25 PM

One of those in attendance was Gerd Stern. Those few of you who have the LP recording of Partch's "Oedipus" should remember his name from the jacket notes. He is now 73 and said that many of those in the Gate 5 ensemble were from the nearby Presidio Army band. Thus there should be some other survivors from that time, some fifty years ago.


10/1/2001 2:00:52 PM


First off, thanks for the news of the Centennial at MSU. While I've
had news of it at Corporeal Meadows for a couple of months, and it
went out on our mailing list, I didn't specifically mention it on
this list.

A couple of people asked that I just send our every-so-often news
updates to individuals rather than the list, as to avoid duplication.
However, it pains me to know that the hall wasn't overflowing,
especially for such a unique concert (Petals). They sold out the hall
in San Francisco (as well they should), and I'll have to do more to
publicize stuff on the other end of the country, I guess...

--- In tuning@y..., "John F. Sprague" <jsprague@d...> wrote:
> One of those in attendance was Gerd Stern.

Did you meet him, and would you know how to contact him? If not, I'll
just write Dean and see if he can. The reason? (read on)

> Thus there should be some other survivors from that time, some
> fifty years ago.

Yes. The Centennial-Extension program we were planning for San Jose
State had to be cancelled (Sept. 22) due to travel difficulties.
However, it is currently planned for Feb. 2, 2002, and will include
people from the Bay area that knew and worked with Partch in the very
late 40's and early 50's, and maybe some from the Petaluma days in
the early 60's. We are hoping Bob Gilmore will return to present,
Philip Blackburn will be doing a presentation, Lou Harrison is set to
do a talk, and once again John Schneider and "Just Strings" will do
their concert/theater program of early Partch works (1929-1941).
Along with the photo exhibition "I Was A Bum Once Myself", it should
be a fine day of Partch near his old stomping grounds.

This time I'll personally keep the tuning community 'in the loop'.

Thanks again, and write me off-list if you have contact with Gerd


🔗David Beardsley <>

10/1/2001 3:23:56 PM

----- Original Message -----
From: Jon Szanto <JSZANTO@ADNC.COM>

> However, it pains me to know that the hall wasn't overflowing,
> especially for such a unique concert (Petals). They sold out the hall
> in San Francisco (as well they should), and I'll have to do more to
> publicize stuff on the other end of the country, I guess...

Montclair isn't exactly a major American city, plus you
have to account for the WTC terror and folks who
have a "I've seen Newband already" attitude. And
also New Yorkers who can't be bothered to come
out to NJ. I don't think there's any train service to Montclair
on the weekends.

I was at the concert yesterday. Positively amazing.
Bravo. A virtuoso performance. They performed
San Francisco and Barstow. Then Pedals followed by
an instrument demonstration and a repeat of verses 24-24
where earlier verses are superimposed on each other.
Most of the performers conducted or at least counted off sections,
wearing headphones during the later sections to hear a click track.

It was an experience to walk into the hall and see all the instruments on
stage. 6 harmonic cannons, 2 kithara, 2 surrogate kithara, cloud chamber
2 chromelodeons, koto and so on. The stage was mighty crowded. :)

I hope there's more performances of Pedals in the future,
I can't imagine that Newband would learn this only to perform
it once.


BTW: 17 Lyrics of Li Po is being performed on
10/6/2001 at Tonic, but I doubt I'll be able to attend.

Harry Partch: 17 Lyrics of Li Po
at 8:00pm, $10 Tzadik Festival
The Seventeen Lyrics of Li Po was composed by the legendary Harry Partch
between 1931 and 1933. Rarely performed live this is a unique opportunity
to experience one of Partch's earliest extant compositions. Passionately
performed by Ted Mook (tenor violin) & Bob Osborne (voice).

107 Norfolk Street
New York, NY 10002
Information: 212-358-7501
Fax: 212-358-1237

* David Beardsley


10/2/2001 8:33:02 AM


--- In tuning@y..., "David Beardsley" <davidbeardsley@b...> wrote:
> Montclair isn't exactly a major American city, plus you
> have to account for the WTC terror

Yes, my apologies. It's been so much on our minds that I didn't even
mention that, but certainly a factor. Hell, we ended up cancelling
our show, so it would be understandable for the numbers to have been

> And also New Yorkers who can't be bothered to come out to NJ. I
> don't think there's any train service to Montclair on the weekends.

Well, when things return to some semblance of normalcy, I'll decry
the lack of adventurous spirit...

> I hope there's more performances of Pedals in the future,
> I can't imagine that Newband would learn this only to perform
> it once.

Yep, agreed. "Petals", you mean.

> BTW: 17 Lyrics of Li Po is being performed on
> 10/6/2001 at Tonic, but I doubt I'll be able to attend.

Thanks, noted.


🔗David Beardsley <>

10/2/2001 8:44:58 AM

----- Original Message -----
From: Jon Szanto <JSZANTO@ADNC.COM>

> > I hope there's more performances of Pedals in the future,
> > I can't imagine that Newband would learn this only to perform
> > it once.
> Yep, agreed. "Petals", you mean.

Yikes! Typos!

* David Beardsley