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Re: Blatant Ad!


9/23/2001 9:10:59 AM


This is a one-time only post for an item of possible interest. UC Press
has just released "The Contemporary Violin: Extended Performance
Techniques" by my wife and moi. Of interest to this list may be one
chapter devoted to tuning matters for string players. There is really
nothing there in terms of theory or information for our readers as it is
for the unititiated! But there are some "tuned" score excerpts which
have never been in print including Tony Conrad, Alvin Lucier, Harry
Partch, and others perhaps lesser known which may be of interest.

If you want more details on the entire book email me personally- for the
book go to


Professor Emeritus
San Jose State University

School of Music and Dance
San Jose, CA 95192-0095
vox + 408 924-4646

fax + 408 399-3061
Home: 4 Euclid Avenue
Los Gatos, CA 95030
+ 408 354-1591
"The Contemporary Violin: Extended Performance Techniques"
now available at