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Re: [tuning] This new symphony would omit A


9/17/2001 4:45:55 AM

>More directly, does any work exist which uses all natural notes
>except A? I cannot recall any such raga that uses only those notes.

Hello Haresh,

The raga's Nalinakanti and Kedaram.

naLinakAnthi, mela 27, ar: S G3 R2 M1 P N3 S, av: S N3 P M1 G3 R2 S
Kedaram, mela 29, ar: S M1 G3 M1 P N3, av: S N3 P M1 G3 R2


🔗Haresh BAKSHI <>

9/17/2001 4:57:23 PM

--- In tuning@y..., <> wrote:
>>>> More directly, does any work exist which uses all natural notes
> >except A? I cannot recall any such raga that uses only those
> Hello Haresh,
> The raga's Nalinakanti and Kedaram.
> naLinakAnthi, mela 27, ar: S G3 R2 M1 P N3 S, av: S N3 P M1 G3 R2 S
> Kedaram, mela 29, ar: S M1 G3 M1 P N3, av: S N3 P M1 G3 R2
> Manuel >>>>

Hello Manuel, your response is so quick and precise.

Thanks and regards,