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Ye olde critique of music colleges thread

🔗Drew Skyfyre <skyfyre@xxx.xxxx>

5/10/1999 6:09:37 AM

Hey Kraig, all,

I dig what you're sayin' amigo. I really do.

Y'all should read this page :

The Manifesto of Futurist Musicians, by Balilla Pratella
(Musica futurista per orchestre riduzione per pianoforte, 1912.)

I found it on Kim Scarborough's Futurism page

I find it mind boggling how when, for example, universities
go into some pretty outlandish areas in scientific fields,
music is still taught in the same old rigid manner, with
the world pretty much ending somewhere after Wagner. "20th century
music" ? Stravinsky. Atonal music is still a revolutionary
and unthinkable idea for many academically
oriented people, so microtonality is not going to make any
beneficial headway into university curriculums any time soon.

BTW, I just finished epoxying the aluminium fingerboard
on to my old acoustic guitar. Gonna get the guitar painted tommorow.
Should be all done the day after. Needless to say it's
much more work than I thought it would be.



Drew Skyfyre <>

Peaches : Drew's Place in Cyberspace
featuring the web's only resource for Microtonal Guitar

"Oh you wouldn't know them Darling, they're respectable."
Myrna Loy in 'After the Thin Man'
