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11-limit JI version of Bolzano's scale


9/1/2001 9:53:03 PM

Rather than threatening to do it, I thought I'd take Nike's advice
and just do it. Here is Bolzano, JI-style:

1 - 126/121 - 1715/1584 - 33/28 - 27/22 - 14/11 - 4/3 - 168/121 -
121/84 - 3/2 - 11/7 - 44/27 - 56/33 - 1715/968 - 3168/1715 - 121/63

Sizes of intervals vary from 63 cents to 80.5 cents, and representing
it via the 72-et couldn't hurt. Of course, if you are not looking for
a somewhat screwed-up scale there are lots of other choices. On the
other hand if you really like unusual 11-limit relationships here are

Lest Bolzano hears about this let me candidly state that you can't
really pin the blame on him.