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Re : [tuning] Re: Re : temperament equal (new?)

🔗Wim Hoogewerf <>

8/29/2001 3:04:12 PM

Jacky Ligon wrote:

> --- In tuning@y..., "Wim Hoogewerf" <wim.hoogewerf@f...> wrote:
>> I do not know how Jacky Ligon comes to a 10 cents wide octave.
>> He's talking about a simular tuning, not exactly Cordier.
> Wim,
> Hello!
> What I'm speaking of here is an iterated scale based on Phi as the
> Interval of Equivalence.
> This 13 pitch tuning has exactly 2 step sizes (Myhill's property -
> MOS).
> Additionally, this tuning has near just major and minor thirds (close
> to 6/5 and 5/4).

Thanks Jacky. I don't fully understand the technical explanation, but it
will be clearer, also for Latchezar, I presume, if you give cent values for
the thirteen steps.
