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Re: Gematria & musical temperament


8/16/2001 9:48:53 PM

Dear schrieb:

> Have you found the numbers 1107 and 740 (the tempered fifth) also
> hidden somewhere?
> Best,
> Manuel
Dear Manuel,

Werckmeister put onto p. 75, Musicalische
Temperatur, Chapter 28,

his encoded system "wohltemperirt".

Das wohltemperirte Clavier I and II comprises 5750 bars.
Midpoint - UNITAS will be the bars
2875. Juxtaposition suggested to Bach
by Werckmeister's treatise??

5 fifths wohltemperirt
7 fifths perfect
5 fifths wohltemperirt

As to bar 740:

Where does the bar 2875 of WTC I+II fall into,
counting in WTC II?
WTC I has 2135 bars; thus 2875-2135= 740.

740 is the last bar of the "Trinity-tonality" Eb-major prelude.
The first bar of the following fugue therefore is:
7 fifths perfect
4 fifths wohltemperirt (c-g-d-a-e)
1 tempering fifth B-f#

Some more details describing the center of WTC:

Kellner, H.A.: "Das wohltemperirte Clavier" - Implications de
l'accord in�gal pour l'�uvre et son autographe. Revue de
Musicologie Vol. 71, 1985, page 143-157.

In particular, p. 155/56.

In view of that text, finally,
one sees that the ratio 741/739 = 1,00270636

This value is only about 0,0024 cent off the Bachcomma (which
amounts to the difference between the perfect fifth and the fifth

The measure 739 of WTC II is the 70th measure of the
Eb-major. Gematria yields IESUS = 70; the mediator.

It emerges that JSB has carefully designed the midpoint of
his WTC and strongly identified himself with is composition:
His own "Midpoint" and center, 158/2=79.

Centering that numerologically upon the TRINITAS=3,
yields: 7-3-9, thus, 739.

Here I have considered, from the frection 741/739 of the
Bachcomma, the denominator. Turing to the fugue's first
bar, 2876 in overall count, in WTC II 741.
Factorizing, 741 = 4*719.

Here, the "center of Bach" is not pivoted upon 3=TRINITAS,
but upon 1=UNITAS.

The c-major triad in "wohltemeperirt" is a tri-unitary
musico-theologucal symbol, after all. The two intervals
third and fifth formed by the TREE components veat at the
baroque Perfection of the UNITAS.

Kind regards,
Herbert Anton

P. S. : I will be pausing for some time here, but will be back
to this circle in due course. Herbert-Anton