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Creating Microtonal Music


7/23/2001 10:53:40 PM


...Desire becomes need...
...Crisis becomes opportunity...
...Theory becomes magic...

I'd like to welcome all of you to a new community in the e-world: it
goes by the name of Creating Microtonal Music, and it means just that.

It only needed the right time to spring to life, the right people to
nurture the idea into reality.

I've wanted a place of mutual respect for differing but active
aesthetics, a gathering site for those interested in not only
thinking about but actually *making* music. I didn't want to wait any
longer, and if it were only me I would just walk on by.

But it wasn't only me, and so walking was out. Sleeve-rolling-up
time, ladies and gentlemen. Time to make a place that was how it
should be: not just a music-place, but a human-place.

Along with help from my valued and esteemed colleagues, Margo
Schulter and Jacky Ligon, we have dreamed up a place that embodies
the qualities *we* wanted to see in this kind of community. We've set
these qualities out for people to peruse, in a set of guidelines, and
if it feels like home to you, then it probably is. And that will make
us *very* happy.

All of this, and eventually more, awaits you at the simple address:

Creating Microtonal Music: it's a statement -- it's an action -- it's
now a reality. Take a look and see if the panorama looks as good to
you as it did, and does, to us. CMM is a part of the ether that
resonates with the simple mantra:

Respect people
Share music and enthusiasm
Exchange ideas

Looking forward to seeing you there, along with your music!
Jon Szanto
List-Mom: Creating Microtonal Music