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🔗Herman Miller <hmiller@IO.COM>

7/6/2001 7:14:49 PM

I recently got my own page on for my other music which isn't
necessarily microtuned. I started out by uploading a few things I wrote
years ago for the DX7II. It's all originally in 12-TET, but I couldn't
resist changing a couple of them to use meantone tunings.

"Kroçnardsklestj" is tuned to a version of the 1/7-comma meantone scale
with 1/7-comma widened octaves with the black notes tuned as sharps --
which produces an interesting result when the notes actually written in the
score are flats.

"Thersénia" is in the version of quarter-comma meantone that's built in to
the DX7II. Again, the sharps and flats don't match exactly what's in the
score, but it almost sounds like it was meant that way.