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Jerry Lee Levis??

🔗John Smith <>

6/30/2001 2:35:20 PM

Do you like music??

Heard about Jerry Carlson from Sweden?? no... Take a look at his homepage and you can order the new cds from him .... Boogie Woogie and rocknroll god playing piano. Like Jerry Lee Levis music.
Or just join the FanClub and get the latest news about JerryC !!

Regards Johnny Nilsson

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🔗John Smith <>

7/1/2001 11:51:27 PM

Do you like music??

Heard about Jerry Carlson from Sweden?? no... Take a look at his homepage and you can order the new cds from him .... Boogie Woogie and rocknroll god playing piano. Like Jerry Lee Levis music.
Or just join the FanClub and get the latest news about JerryC !!
Regards Johnny Nilsson


Dear Friend,

Have I told you that I get paid for listening to the radio? Really! I'm a member of, an internet company that actually pays me for what I enjoy doing anyway listening to great music on my computer. You should check them out at They have links to over 2,500 channels of music!

If they ask you for a referral ID when you sign up, please be sure to use mine: moneymakersplace You won't regret it. This is like found money!

Johnny Nilsson
Member ID: moneymakersplace

OR Check this out...

There's a company called RadioFreeCash that gives you a chance to win big bucks just listening to music on your computer. If that isn't enough, not only do they award you money if you win, but they also give you a cut if referrals you bring to their community win. This could mean serious cash for you, especially if you get in early.

All you have to do is listen to music, which frees you to do other stuff on your computer, like surf the net, write your term paper, pay bills, email friends... whatever! They realize that your time is valuable and that incenting you with cash prizes is the best way to get you to listen. All the control is in your hands. You select the type of music you want to hear - there are 20 great channels including all your favorites!

This idea is going to change the way people listen to music forever, so get in early. I did! Just go to their website and sign up. When you do, please use this link so I get credit for having referred you:

Thanks a lot. Remember: it pays to listen at RadioFreeCash.

Johnny Nilsson
Member ID: moneyplay

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

🔗Alison Monteith <>

7/2/2001 10:14:44 AM

John Smith wrote:

> Do you like music??
> Heard about Jerry Carlson from Sweden?? no... Take a look at his homepage and you can order the new cds from him .... Boogie Woogie and rocknroll god playing piano. Like Jerry Lee Levis music.
> Or just join the FanClub and get the latest news about JerryC !!
> Regards Johnny Nilsson
> Dear Friend,
> Have I told you that I get paid for listening to the radio? Really! I'm a member of, an internet company that actually pays me for what I enjoy doing anyway listening to great music on my computer. You should check them out at They have links to over 2,500 channels of music!
> If they ask you for a referral ID when you sign up, please be sure to use mine: moneymakersplace You won't regret it. This is like found money!
> Johnny Nilsson
> Member ID: moneymakersplace
> OR Check this out...
> There's a company called RadioFreeCash that gives you a chance to win big bucks just listening to music on your computer. If that isn't enough, not only do they award you money if you win, but they also give you a cut if referrals you bring to their community win. This could mean serious cash for you, especially if you get in early.
> All you have to do is listen to music, which frees you to do other stuff on your computer, like surf the net, write your term paper, pay bills, email friends... whatever! They realize that your time is valuable and that incenting you with cash prizes is the best way to get you to listen. All the control is in your hands. You select the type of music you want to hear - there are 20 great channels including all your favorites!
> This idea is going to change the way people listen to music forever, so get in early. I did! Just go to their website and sign up. When you do, please use this link so I get credit for having referred you:
> Thanks a lot. Remember: it pays to listen at RadioFreeCash.
> Johnny Nilsson
> Member ID: moneyplay

Y'all. Is this anything to do with anything or did it slip through the net? I thought we were spam-free.



7/2/2001 2:22:56 PM


--- In tuning@y..., Alison Monteith <alison.monteith3@w...> wrote:
> Y'all. Is this anything to do with anything or did it slip through
the net? I thought we were spam-free.

Spam-free? In our collective dreams! Doesn't happen often, but
spamming does occur. Just be thankful this isn't usenet...
