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Virus warnings

🔗Paul Hahn <Paul-Hahn@xxxxxxx.xxxxx.xxxx>

4/26/1999 8:50:35 AM

On Mon, 26 Apr 1999, Neil Haverstick forwarded:
> Pass this warning along to EVERYONE in your address book and
> please share it with all your online friends ASAP so that this
> threat may be stopped.

Never, _never, _NEVER_ forward along anything that says anything
remotely resembling this sentence.

The VAST majority of the time they are hoaxes, and only serve to waste a
whole lot of people's time, bandwidth, and energy.

If you really think it might be legitimate (which happens VERY VERY
seldom, e.g. the Melissa virus), the ONLY person you should forward it
to is your system administrator. Admins probably have better ways of
verifying the truthfulness of such things than you do, and they
definitely have better ways of disseminating the information than
cluttering up all the mailboxes, mailing lists, and newsgroups in sight.

Not that you shouldn't do a little research on your own. This
particular hoax is known and documented, for example at the following

--pH <>
/\ "You just ran nine racks but you won't give me a spot?"
-\-\-- o "I can't; I haven't seen you shoot yet."

NOTE: dehyphenate node to remove spamblock. <*>