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Re: yet another new tuning group

🔗Seth Austen <>

6/17/2001 12:44:15 PM

on 6/17/01 2:23 PM, at wrote:

> Gosh, Carl, could you pick _older_ news than this??? For those that
> might be old enough to remember their live performances, most of the
> time they couldn't even get their guitars in tune! (certainly in the
> early days). But, so what? Did their awful intonation stop them from
> amassing one of the largest fan-bases of any group, any one of whom
> would tell you how the Dead "like, completely changed my life,
> man..."???

On the basis of this discussion, I believe it is time for yet another new
tuning group to be formed:

Topics to be discussed on list will include the organic synchronicity of
groups such as The Grateful Dead, The Beach Boys, Crosby, Stills, Nash and
Young and others to instantaneously create macrobiotically mictrotonal music
with out even having to do math, lattice diagrams or expensive refretting of
instruments. wow man! groooooooovy!


PS, of course the list will need no moderation cause everyone is, like,
completely into it and peaceful loving people, dude.

Seth Austen