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Re: high volume on

🔗Robert Walker <>

6/11/2001 9:05:26 AM

Hi there,

I wonder if anyone has thought about extrapolating to next year.

Four times as many posts as last year for May, and this month seems
as busy, already more posts this month in 11 days than in the entire
month last year (and no special fantastic new discovery to boost
the numbers).

Just suppose for a moment that we are entering a period of exponential
growth, then next year one would expect 10000 posts per month!

Apologies for anyone on tuning-math - posted this msg there by accident,
though I suppose in a kind of a way it is approprate,...


🔗Robert Walker <>

6/11/2001 9:09:17 AM

Hi Paul,

> Julie doesn't want to join! We look like a chat room or something (hey, someone suggested
> forming a tuning chat room a long time ago . . . perhaps the time is ripe). Let's "shape up"!

Idea of tuning_gossip is a mailing list somewhere between a list and a chatroom
- can talk about anything, no worries about post volulme as most members will
be subscribed in no-email mode, or perhaps have a special tuning_gossip folder
in their e-mail program.

As for chat room proper, I've just tried out the TL chatroom, and Graham was
there, and it worked well - talked about his MOS applet. It's great for
that kind of thing as one gets instant responses in real time and can ask
how something works, or what it does, etc.

Sometimes one sees a ding-dong of posts to TL where both correspondents are
clearly on line at once, and working something out together or whatever.
In that situation, one could say let's go over to the chat-room to
get it all sorted out, and anyone else on-line at the time could
go over to it too and join in if they want.

For other more leisurely posts, or things of light hearted nature, jokes
etc, which are nice things to say, but one hesitates maybe because one
doesn't want to add to volume of TL posts, one can post them to

Also nothing on tuning_gossip would be off-topic - basically a place
for microtonalists to gather, so if conversation wanders to
other areas, not directly to do with tuning, that's okay too,
and one could say "let's go to tuning_gossip" for those types of
topics too.
