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dyads, triads and more...

🔗Robert C Valentine <BVAL@IIL.INTEL.COM>

6/10/2001 5:35:24 AM

In one of the many threads I found after the weekend, people were
talking about required accuracy for dyads, traids, etc...

Maybe I've got the worst ears in the Universe (although they've let
me learn to iimprovise fairly successfully in 12tet jazz) but...

For instance, playing in 20tet, the dyad


sounds pretty much like some sort of "car horn" third and the

0-720 is a pretty nasty perfect fifth.

But together, the 0-420-720 is a reasonable, though wobbly,
major triad. (It could bne that when to sing the root after
playing the chord I would sing sharp as that is the note that
is being tugged most here).

Add the 960 on top, which is not so bad a 7/4 and


is a b7 chord and even a bit bluesy since the 960 is pretty

All this is to say, that at THIS point in my limited microtonal
experience, if it isn't beat-free then there is a LOT of room
for me to psychoacoustically "correct" things until they "match"
with something I understand (low-liimt numbers).

And once more than two notes are sounded, all the out-of-phase
beating is just a mushiness.

I was very surprised by the extent of the mushiness, for instance,
a 249c interval in a scale I was interested in a


context (aka 0-250-700 in 24) just sounded like a
"really low minor third".

Bob Valentine