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seeding from the clock was Re: with and without iseed

🔗muchos-pantaloons <>

6/7/2001 11:38:17 AM

thanx john 4 suggestions

somebody told me about that @ the csound-ml
i got excited and rewrote the .orc like the followings
...but result is always the same
(even if i wait enough 4 the 2nd render)
(yes perf does says that seeding from the clock is going on)
am i miss-writing something?
am doing things @ csound4.12PPC@OS9.1@iBook(tangerine)

sr = 22050
kr = 22050
ksmps = 1
nchnls = 2

instr 1

iRandInit = 0.642001 ; is a seed 4 new music

kval1 rand 0.5 , iRandInit ; today
kval2 rand 0.5 , 1-iRandInit ; dark-side of today
kval3 rand 0.5 , iRandInit * (1-iRandInit) ; a day is fractal

irnd1 = 0.5 + kval1
irnd2 = 0.5 + kval2
irnd3 = 0.5 + kval3

inote1 = p4
inote2 = p4 * int(8*(0.5+kval2)+8)/8
inote3 = p4 * int(8*(0.5+kval3)+8)/8
ivol1 = 5000 + 4000 * irnd3
ivol2 = 3000 + 6000 * (1-irnd2)
ivol3 = 3000 + 6000 * irnd1

kpan1 randi 0.5 , 3*irnd1+2, irnd2
kamp1 linseg 0,p3*.01,ivol1,p3*.04,ivol1*.2,p3*.25,ivol1*.2,p3*.01,ivol1*.7,p3

kpan2 randi 0.5 , 5*irnd2+2, irnd3
kamp2 linseg 0,p3*.03,ivol2,p3*.04,ivol2*.2,p3*.25,ivol2*.2,p3*.04,ivol2*.7,p3

kpan3 randi 0.5 , 5*irnd3+2, 1-irnd1
kamp3 linseg 0,p3*.02,ivol3,p3*.05,ivol3*.2,p3*.20,ivol3*.2,p3*.01,ivol3*.7,p3

asigr1 oscil kamp1 * (kpan1+0.5) , inote1 , 1
asigl1 oscil kamp1 * (1-(kpan1+0.5)) , inote1 , 1
asigr2 oscil kamp2 * (kpan2+0.5) , inote2 , 2
asigl2 oscil kamp2 * (1-(kpan2+0.5)) , inote2 , 3
asigr3 oscil kamp3 * (kpan3+0.5) , inote3 , 3
asigl3 oscil kamp3 * (1-(kpan3+0.5)) , inote3 , 2
outs asigr1+asigr2+asigr3 , asigl1+asigl2+asigl3

--what perf says--

Using csound.txt
Csound Version 4.12 (Mar 25 2001)
orchname: rigada:4sapa:4csound:song2c.orc
scorename: rigada:4sapa:4csound:song2c.sco
sorting score ...
... done
orch compiler:
41 lines read
instr 1
Csound Version 4.12 (Mar 25 2001)
orch now loaded
audio buffered in 8192 sample-frame blocks
writing 65536-byte blks of floats to rigada:4sapa:4csound:song2c.aif (AIFF-C)
ftable 1:
ftable 2:
ftable 3:
B 0.000 .. 0.500 T 0.500 TT 0.500 M: 0.0 0.0
new alloc for instr 1:
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
new alloc for instr 1:
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
B 0.500 .. 2.700 T 2.700 TT 2.700 M: 4731.6 4731.5
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
B 2.700 .. 2.800 T 2.800 TT 2.800 M: 10426.4 3401.6
new alloc for instr 1:
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
B 2.800 .. 3.700 T 3.700 TT 3.700 M: 11648.1 5285.2
B 3.700 .. 3.900 T 3.900 TT 3.900 M: 3395.5 2385.5
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
B 3.900 .. 4.100 T 4.100 TT 4.100 M: 12232.4 5434.8
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
B 4.100 .. 6.400 T 6.400 TT 6.400 M: 13355.5 6662.6
B 6.400 .. 6.910 T 6.910 TT 6.910 M: 2317.3 1451.9
B 6.910 .. 7.200 T 7.200 TT 7.200 M: 307.6 378.5
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
B 7.200 .. 7.900 T 7.900 TT 7.900 M: 11217.9 3897.2
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
B 7.900 .. 8.000 T 8.000 TT 8.000 M: 12906.2 5776.3
B 8.000 .. 9.200 T 9.200 TT 9.200 M: 13555.7 6155.6
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
B 9.200 .. 9.400 T 9.400 TT 9.400 M: 10660.0 4273.9
new alloc for instr 1:
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
B 9.400 .. 9.800 T 9.800 TT 9.800 M: 6045.0 4359.6
B 9.800 .. 11.100 T 11.100 TT 11.100 M: 5555.7 3624.9
B 11.100 .. 11.400 T 11.400 TT 11.400 M: 187.2 188.8
B 11.400 .. 11.570 T 11.570 TT 11.570 M: 52.1 3.2
B 11.570 .. 12.800 T 12.800 TT 12.800 M: 0.0 0.0
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
B 12.800 .. 13.100 T 13.100 TT 13.100 M: 9096.9 4650.0
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
Seeding from current time
B 13.100 .. 14.800 T 14.800 TT 14.800 M: 10247.1 4570.9
end of score. overall amps: 13555.7 6662.6
0 errors in performance
peak Ch 1: 13555.725586 (written: 0.413688) at 165377
peak Ch 2: 6662.635742 (written: 0.203328) at 106113
40 65536-byte soundblks of floats written to rigada:4sapa:4csound:song2c.aif (AIFF-C)

**Total Rendering time was: 5.69998 secs

> You can seed the random number generation from the clock, so yes you
> can make it different every time (as long as each run is 2secs apart
> on Atari, 1se on windows....)
