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Barbershop tuning

🔗Carl Lumma <clumma@xxx.xxxx>

1/9/1999 8:34:57 AM

In my last message, I assumed some things about how Barbershop music is
tuned. I'd like to clarify.

If you take a bunch of short samples of a typcial Barbershop song, you'll
find a justly-tuned 7-limit chord most of the time.

This may not sound very strong, so let me be clear: Barbershop is the most
consistent and deliberate higher-limit music I know of. It is not some
accidental, sometimes JI, sometimes 7-limit music. It is an entire style
firmly commited to the 7-limit. Their theory is fully aware of the tuning
issue, their mission statement contains reference to JI, and even amatur
groups sing nicely in tune.


🔗Dan Stearns <stearns@xxxxxxx.xxxx>

1/9/1999 10:16:14 AM

>If you take a bunch of short samples of a typcial Barbershop song, you'll
find a justly-tuned 7-limit chord most of the time.

Is this also the case melodically... or vertically (a justly-tuned 7-limit
melody most of the time)?

>It is not some accidental, sometimes JI, sometimes 7-limit music. It is an
entire style firmly commited to the 7-limit.

My (limited) understanding (or more likely lack thereof...) was that it was
some sort of a (very interesting) conglomeration were the main tune (the
melody) was (more or less) - as it were on the piano, and the "chords" were
locked in (JI beatless) to that... ?

Whatever the case, I agree: It's a truly wonderful tradition and style.
