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reply to John Chalmers

🔗Paul H. Erlich <PErlich@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

4/20/1999 3:40:02 PM

>I tend to agree that trying to
>show both the sizes (in cents) of the intervals and their harmonic
>relations on the same diagram is confusing.

Canright came up with the best way of doing this. Essentially, we could take
any of the lattices that have been posted to this list and apply a linear
transformation (aka distortion) to them so that pitch (in cents) would
correspond to vertical position. See Though I disagree with the
right angles he starts off with, he ends up dropping them anyway so why
argue. His approach can easily be modified to use vectors of different
lengths, and some added dotted lines are all that would be needed to make
the lattices triangular.