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Poll results for tuning


6/2/2001 2:25:42 PM

The following tuning poll is now closed. Here are the
final results:

POLL QUESTION: Should there be a separate list for the
mathematical theory of tuning?
(currently the list exists, at tuning- -- should it
remain separate?)

- Yes, 11 votes, 32.35%
- No, 23 votes, 67.65%

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🔗Orphon Soul, Inc. <>

6/2/2001 2:35:46 PM

On 6/2/01 5:25 PM, "" <> wrote:

> POLL QUESTION: Should there be a separate list for the
> mathematical theory of tuning?
> (currently the list exists, at tuning-
> -- should it
> remain separate?)
> - Yes, 11 votes, 32.35%
> - No, 23 votes, 67.65%

...and 400+ abstentions.

🔗Paul Erlich <>

6/2/2001 2:36:29 PM

--- In tuning@y..., tuning@y... wrote:
> The following tuning poll is now closed. Here are the
> final results:
> POLL QUESTION: Should there be a separate list for the
> mathematical theory of tuning?
> (currently the list exists, at tuning-
> math@y... -- should it
> remain separate?)
> - Yes, 11 votes, 32.35%
> - No, 23 votes, 67.65%
Well, a lot of people at tuning-math wanted to keep it separate, but
I guess we have over a two-thirds majority who think that such a large
proportion of tuning discussions are bound to be mathematical anyway,
that it doesn't make sense to have to subscribe to a separate list. (I
abstained from this vote.) We certainly aren't using any "advanced
math" on the tuning-math list. So I guess we're going to phase tuning-
math out of existence. Robert Walker, perhaps you can create an
archive of tuning-math that we can stick in the files section of this
list? (There will still be a harmonic_entropy list, a great place for
discussing mathematical models of intervallic and chordal consonance.)

If anyone thinks the vote was unfair in any way, please speak now --
on (I'll be following). I had no personal
interest either way, and had sympathetic friends on both sides of the


4/25/2002 2:02:14 PM

The following tuning poll is now closed. Here are the
final results:

POLL QUESTION: should the tuning list move?
(all campaigning on this issue should
go on

- i'm sick of this spamming and spying . . . let's move!, 10 votes, 43.48%
- but nifty features like these polls would make that a return to the stone age! let's stay!, 9 votes, 39.13%
- i'm just going to be on both lists anyway so why should i care?, 2 votes, 8.70%
- you people are driving me nuts. i'm going to go write some music., 2 votes, 8.70%

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🔗jonszanto <JSZANTO@ADNC.COM>

4/25/2002 10:33:08 PM

--- In tuning@y..., tuning@y... wrote:
> The following tuning poll is now closed. Here are the
> final results:

With 23 people voting out of an (alleged) 587 'members', I'd say this
qualifies as a textbook case of "statistically insignificant".

Or something similar.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained, nothing happened in this case,
Jon (who voted anyway...)


7/29/2003 8:12:17 PM

The following tuning poll is now closed. Here are the
final results:

POLL QUESTION: Who the heck is A. Composer?

- An unknown, modern composer, 2 votes, 33.33%
- Gene's sock puppet, 1 votes, 16.67%
- The answer is obvious from the symphony, 3 votes, 50.00%

- An unknown, modern composer
- Gene's sock puppet
- The answer is obvious from the symphony

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7/11/2004 11:41:11 AM

The following tuning poll is now closed. Here are the
final results:

POLL QUESTION: Postings can be made available in more
than one language, if necessary...

- Yes, good idea, 14 votes, 77.78%
- No, files too large, 4 votes, 22.22%

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7/11/2004 11:41:37 AM

The following tuning poll is now closed. Here are the
final results:

POLL QUESTION: Would you be happier if the posts on 72-
tet were on another

- Yes, 10 votes, 37.04%
- No, 12 votes, 44.44%
- Don't mind either way, 5 votes, 18.52%

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3/3/2009 10:17:04 AM

The following tuning poll is now closed. Here are the
final results:

POLL QUESTION: Which "JI" version of this Lassus excerpt sounds best to you?

Note, apparently some of the files don't work with the QuickTime browser plugin.

Sorry not all the files are uniform with respect to tempo and timbre. I don't find it hurts my ability to judge the intonation, but you can adjust tempo and timbre in your MIDI sequencer of choice.

Results will be disclosed when the poll is closed. Votes are anonymous.

-, 0 votes, 0.00%
-, 0 votes, 0.00%
-, 1 votes, 14.29%
-, 6 votes, 85.71%

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5/1/2009 2:28:31 PM

The following tuning poll is now closed. Here are the
final results:

POLL QUESTION: There are things embodied by Scala .scl files (lists of intervals or pitches).

Then, there are more abstract things embodied by, for example, "LLsLLLs" or some other similar scheme.

Neither of these have names in conventional music theory. Restricted versions of them (assuming roughly meantone or Pythagorean tuning) are both referred to as scales, and sometimes as modes or some other term.

On a mailing list, it is critical to define terminology precisely to avoid endless circular arguments based on misunderstandings.

So cast your vote! Click on every option you approve of. This is an approval ballot:

Contact me offlist if you feel an option is missing from the poll.

- Call the first thing a scale, the second a dromos., 1 votes, 6.67%
- Call the first thing a scale, the second an abscale., 1 votes, 6.67%
- Call them both scales; context will make it clear., 2 votes, 13.33%
- Call the first thing a tuning system, and the second a scale., 5 votes, 33.33%
- Call the first thing a gamut, and the second a scale., 5 votes, 33.33%
- Call the first thing a scale, the second a necklace., 1 votes, 6.67%

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6/5/2009 10:54:55 AM

The following tuning poll is now closed. Here are the
final results:

POLL QUESTION: Welcome to Scale poll 2.0! Two options from our previous poll stood out, but were tied. Additionally, we found out that there's already a body of literature calling things like LLsLLLs "words", but Yahoo wouldn't allow me to add this choice to the existing poll. The original description follows...

There are things embodied by Scala .scl files (lists of intervals or pitches). Then, there are more abstract things embodied by, for example, "LLsLLLs" or some other similar scheme. Neither of these have names in conventional music theory. Restricted versions of them (assuming roughly meantone or Pythagorean tuning) are both referred to as scales, and sometimes as modes or some other term. On a mailing list, it is critical to define terminology precisely to avoid endless circular arguments based on misunderstandings. So cast your vote!

Click on every option you approve of. This is an approval ballot:

- Call the first thing a "tuning system", and the second a "scale"., 7 votes, 53.85%
- Call the first thing a "gamut", and the second a "scale"., 4 votes, 30.77%
- Call the first thing a "scale", and the second a "word"., 2 votes, 15.38%

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