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quick this n that

🔗Robert C Valentine <BVAL@IIL.INTEL.COM>

5/30/2001 4:47:27 AM

Thanks Margo, for your usual good sense and good
information. I did go back to
and grabbed some more great stuff. You might be
interested in or familiar with the 9-tone scale
I mention in this post.

Paul, thanks for your nice post on music making.

Lars, that 9-of-17tet was a nice little piece. I'll
be going back to check out more of your stuff. I
had been working on the same scale form from another
vantage point. I reversed the L and s and had for all
practical purposes a 9 of 24

L s L s L s L s L
0 204 249 453 498 702 747 951 996

I'm showing the symmetrical form, I don't really
have a modal preference yet). I was playing around
with dyadic resolutions, two of which seemed
effective (at least I could wander off and come
back to them).

453 -> 702 204 -> 249
249 -> 0 996 -> 951

These obviously owe a lot to Margo's posts, so
thanks again.

This was all part of a weekend of ear-training and
experimentation. I started with the M scales, got
confused, tried to step back until I could find
limits I could readilly deal with on the keyboard.
I found some successes (meantone P5=697c, yep, I
even know what to do with the '7' limit notes)
(I had some success with this somewhat Gothic 9
tone scale, which I filled out to 12 notes with
some of the sharps and flats I could fit). By
the end of the weekend, I was just listenning to
dyads and wonderring about how to get 'there'
(wherever that might be) from here.

Bob Valentine