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🔗Rick McGowan <>

5/29/2001 1:19:15 PM

Well, I'm going to join the ranks of the ovewhelmed & sign off this list.
The noise to signal ratio has been consistently too high for a long time,
and my fingers have started to twitch from just hitting delete all the

If anyone is keeping a private mail list of people who are interested in
seeing live microtonal music in the Bay Area, please keep me in mind. I'd
like to see it.



5/29/2001 1:34:23 PM


--- In tuning@y..., Rick McGowan <rick@u...> wrote:
> Well, I'm going to join the ranks of the ovewhelmed & sign off this

In old-World-speak, bummer.

> If anyone is keeping a private mail list of people who are
> interested in seeing live microtonal music in the Bay Area,
> please keep me in mind. I'd like to see it.

Most of my contacts through the Partch site, Corporeal Meadows, keep
me posted on these sort of concert. When they are germain to general
interests, I send out an email. If you'd like to join that list
(which only amounts to a handful of msgs a year), go to:

(ocmeul is the Official Corporeal Meadows Email Update List) Since
Harry had so much history in the Bay area, things end up there. At
least we could let you know about a portion of the action...
