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It's Elemental


5/27/2001 5:27:00 AM

Subscribers will be pleased to hear that I'm getting over my sawtooth
addiction. Go to


I'm uploading it all now. You could call it a demonstration of the
validity of the Stern-Brocot tree, but Brian won't like it because it's
done with Kyma, and he doesn't like that clean, digital sound. I've a
hunch Dan Stearns might be more "temperamentally" inclined.

Which brings us to ...

I'd love to discuss ratio space and lattices, but I think they're off
topic here. I've a feeling even pointing out Brian's errors might get in
the way of somebody's inner idiot. However, my piece fuckfeedback
(Bowdlerised to ffb on the Tuning Punks page) was written with distances
in ratio space as a guide. (This was around the time I first wrote to you

Keeping it unreal,
