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html archive zip for posts 21000 to 23746

🔗Robert Walker <>

5/24/2001 5:24:14 PM

Hi there!

Here are the most recent posts as html archive zip.
(2.9 Mb)

Sorry I took so long about it. Was easy to do and turned out to be less than
three megabytes, so easy to upload / download too.

I'll try to remember to do this more often.

Does have one "bug" - realised that if a post is entirely in html, rather
than multi-part text / html, program doesn't convert the text to html.

I need to think how to do that when I get back to it. There are a few points
involved that would need to be thought through.

Meanwhile, hopefully the few posts so far in this format are reasonably understandable
even with all the tags in them. I imagine it may become a more
common format in the future as more and more people go html in their use
of e-mail - the early few thousand posts of the yahoo archives had no html parts for
any of the messages (first message with an html part was from Kraig Grady,
if anyone is interested to know).
