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Re: The Polyverse, hexagonal matrices, and hyper-surreal numbers.

🔗Patrick Pagano <ppagano@xxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

4/9/1999 7:27:06 AM

I agree with you Sarn
about da planes da plains....
i think the feelings about precise frequency relationships and very tiny intervals
have their relays in Yantras --the Bindu dot and the Pixel: one in the same.
split the stick and there is....

Sarn Richard Ursell wrote:

> From: Sarn Richard Ursell <>
> I noticed that there is a lot of talk these days on the tuning list about
> the use of prime numbers.
> In some ways these are very special, but it really depends on which way you
> look at things.
> My point may be entirely philosophical, but: "What is so special about logic?".
> I mean, playing around with my formula graphing programme, and ants, and
> cellular automata in QBASIC, I notice how counter intuitively logic behaves,
> at times.
> I mean, is it just THERE, waiting to be discovered, or do we invent it?
> Or both?
> Does the mind create mathematics, or mathematics create the mind?
> Actually, we could say, "BOTH".
> But it brings us to the question of "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?".
> My post may seem a little esoteric, but, I wanted to ask you microtonalists
> about you philosophys on, why we are here,what lies beyond the big brick
> wall saying "do not enter" at the Universe's boundrys, the so-called
> existance of time, the mind to body connection.
> I have a theory of "the Polyverse"-something who's existance I have argued
> about to a rather abrasive mathematician at Victoria University in
> Wellington, (New Zealand's capital city).
> I believe, and have believed, even since my childhood-as I became aware of
> being, and not just accepting, as a child does, that our Universe, is one of
> many others, in an infinite continum called "the Polyverse"-an infinite
> array of Universes each with their own laws of science.
> And whilst these places (if we can use the term "places"-perhaps "realms",
> or "planes" is a better word), would be very beautiful, they would contain
> little in the way of intelligent life, to ask:"Why are we here"?
> I guess that this could be compared to games in a toystore:
> Cards, Monopoly, Chess, Dominos, "Hungry-hungry hippos" (my favorite), Guess
> Who?, Treyshar Chess (3 player Chess), Jenga ect.....
> I incorrectly labeled this form of thinking "The Strong Anthroptic
> Principal"-after reading this in Stephen Hawking's "A Breif History of Time".
> Was this an editorial error?
> ---I looked up the definition on the Internet, and found it completely
> different!
> In some way, these Universes are competeing for existance, and ours is
> somewhere at the top of the chain, or near to it.
> Ours, also, in some ways, reflects these other Universes, but the Polyverses
> interacting parts are seperate from each other, and cannot interact-I believe.
> This also brings us to the question of "hyper-exobiology", or "Its life,
> Jim-but not as we know it".
> Life from another universe, with, say 5 spatial dimension, and two time
> dimensions, would be??????
> I also believe that other Universes could have different, and even
> logically-inconsistent mathematics, where our algebraic rules, at least,
> break down.
> I have come to believe, also, that matter is infinitely divisible, split an
> electron, we get a "cosmolon", split a quark and we get a "preon",
> ------>the infintesimal.
> Cartoon Universes, laughing at our logically constricted constraints on
> their cartoon television sets, even these are logicaly constricted to
> Universes with different mathematics.
> I was reading about a class of numbers called:surreal numbers, and
> transfinite numbers, as invented (or discovered by Gregor Cantor).
> Aleph_0= 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ..........
> Aleph_1=Irrationals, cannot be shown as a fraction=1.3412743784747.......
> Aleph_2=fromulae involving rationals and irrationals in Aleph_0 dimensional
> space....
> Does anybody know about anything higher than Aleph_2?
> Also, Aleph_Aleph_0 was = to Beth.
> And also, I found a class of numbers called "Hyperinacessible", given by
> Aleph_Aleph_n, where n=>0.
> I need to know:
> Is there anything of use with:
> 1.Canor's Alephs,
> 2.Hexagonal matrices,
> 3.Surreal-surreal numbers,
> 4.Superpowers/superinvolution?
> 2. and 3.I have invented.
> And this is why I have always loved microtonal music-as I feel that it gives
> us a chance to glimpse these other planes.
> What I need to know is:
> If so, I'd love to hear from you,
> Sincerely,
> Sarn.
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> And this is why I have always loved microtonal music-as I feel that it gives
> us a chance to glimpse these other planes.
> What I need to know is:
> If so, I'd love to hear from you,
> Sincerely,
> Sarn.
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