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I should proof read


4/9/1999 6:48:57 AM

The reasoning in my last post was valid, but Joe Monzo says that the
original 7th chord has a 16/9, so that the real wormhole/bridge is 64/63.

ET's that have 64/63 = 0 steps and consistent as an interval:
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22. (23 is the first one with 64/63
1 step)

12TET is still there, but 15 and 22 appear. 15TET's seventh chord is too
dissonant, but 22TET could be a good alternative to 12. I have not tested
it, how well does it approximate the different genus?
