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Re: [tuning] MIRACLE collaboration (was: Hypothesis, and clarification for Monz)

🔗Alison Monteith <>

5/10/2001 2:35:01 PM

Kraig Grady wrote:

> Alison!
> I have seen people use PVC or ABS tuning for such effect. One then
> just uses a resonator formula. For mallets one can use ping pong table
> mallets with a little bit of foam added. Although Keenan 21 MOS
> provides more than enough material for a lifetime. You would be
> venturing down the 72 ET path which means that you could always add on
> to it investigate other things possible in 72. Still to be discovered,
> maybe even by Dave!

Yes that's what they use, ping pong bats and foam. And I know the
resonator formula as well. I rather fancy the idea of a gamelan
composition with rhythmic lines in all sorts of motion, oblique,
parallel and contrary, and these amazing beatless chords pop out and zap
the audience into a bliss state. Well, something along those lines.

Best Wishes