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The Polyverse, hexagonal matrices, and hyper-surreal numbers.

🔗Sarn Richard Ursell <>

4/8/1999 9:02:32 PM

I noticed that there is a lot of talk these days on the tuning list about
the use of prime numbers.
In some ways these are very special, but it really depends on which way you
look at things.

My point may be entirely philosophical, but: "What is so special about logic?".

I mean, playing around with my formula graphing programme, and ants, and
cellular automata in QBASIC, I notice how counter intuitively logic behaves,
at times.

I mean, is it just THERE, waiting to be discovered, or do we invent it?
Or both?

Does the mind create mathematics, or mathematics create the mind?

Actually, we could say, "BOTH".

But it brings us to the question of "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?".

My post may seem a little esoteric, but, I wanted to ask you microtonalists
about you philosophys on, why we are here,what lies beyond the big brick
wall saying "do not enter" at the Universe's boundrys, the so-called
existance of time, the mind to body connection.

I have a theory of "the Polyverse"-something who's existance I have argued
about to a rather abrasive mathematician at Victoria University in
Wellington, (New Zealand's capital city).

I believe, and have believed, even since my childhood-as I became aware of
being, and not just accepting, as a child does, that our Universe, is one of
many others, in an infinite continum called "the Polyverse"-an infinite
array of Universes each with their own laws of science.

And whilst these places (if we can use the term "places"-perhaps "realms",
or "planes" is a better word), would be very beautiful, they would contain
little in the way of intelligent life, to ask:"Why are we here"?

I guess that this could be compared to games in a toystore:
Cards, Monopoly, Chess, Dominos, "Hungry-hungry hippos" (my favorite), Guess
Who?, Treyshar Chess (3 player Chess), Jenga ect.....

I incorrectly labeled this form of thinking "The Strong Anthroptic
Principal"-after reading this in Stephen Hawking's "A Breif History of Time".
Was this an editorial error?

---I looked up the definition on the Internet, and found it completely

In some way, these Universes are competeing for existance, and ours is
somewhere at the top of the chain, or near to it.
Ours, also, in some ways, reflects these other Universes, but the Polyverses
interacting parts are seperate from each other, and cannot interact-I believe.

This also brings us to the question of "hyper-exobiology", or "Its life,
Jim-but not as we know it".

Life from another universe, with, say 5 spatial dimension, and two time
dimensions, would be??????

I also believe that other Universes could have different, and even
logically-inconsistent mathematics, where our algebraic rules, at least,
break down.

I have come to believe, also, that matter is infinitely divisible, split an
electron, we get a "cosmolon", split a quark and we get a "preon",
------>the infintesimal.

Cartoon Universes, laughing at our logically constricted constraints on
their cartoon television sets, even these are logicaly constricted to
Universes with different mathematics.

I was reading about a class of numbers called:surreal numbers, and
transfinite numbers, as invented (or discovered by Gregor Cantor).
Aleph_0= 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ..........
Aleph_1=Irrationals, cannot be shown as a fraction=1.3412743784747.......
Aleph_2=fromulae involving rationals and irrationals in Aleph_0 dimensional

Does anybody know about anything higher than Aleph_2?
Also, Aleph_Aleph_0 was = to Beth.

And also, I found a class of numbers called "Hyperinacessible", given by
Aleph_Aleph_n, where n=>0.

I need to know:

Is there anything of use with:

1.Canor's Alephs,
2.Hexagonal matrices,
3.Surreal-surreal numbers,

2. and 3.I have invented.

And this is why I have always loved microtonal music-as I feel that it gives
us a chance to glimpse these other planes.

What I need to know is:


If so, I'd love to hear from you,

